Educational Articles

Photo by PeterEtchells/ Did you know that flamingos may have histories on this planet dating back 18 million years? That was the major discovery made about a decade ago in the Ebro Basin, located in northeast Spain. Inside of a...
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Photo by OndrejChvatal/ Unless you’re having twins, triplets, or something even more sinister, humans don’t have more than one baby per year. At least, women don’t. Is it the same for the fabulous fowl? Do flamingos also only generally have just...
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Photo by ArCaLu/ You look at a flamingo and see a friend. A brine shrimp looks at a flamingo and sees its life flash before its eyes. A crocodile looks at a flamingo and sees its next meal. Where you...
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Flamingo Incubating Her Eggs - Photo by NickBarounis/ Many children have asked their parents where babies come from. We don’t know if flamingo babies do the same, but we do know that human adults wonder where flamingo babies come from. Do...
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