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2022 Flamingo Fanatics Fling Event at TPA Earlier this year, a giant flamingo sculpture was unveiled in the Main Terminal of the Tampa International Airport. Now, the airport is calling for travelers to name the massive pink pioneer with some...
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Photo by NickPecker/ Officials at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo say they have possibly caught the wild fox responsible for the tragic deaths of 25 flamingos and one duck earlier this month. All of this started when a fox entered the flamingos’...
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In September 2021, Las Vegas hosted the first-ever Flamingo Fanatics Society Fling! What is Flamingo Fanatics Society, and why did it have a fling? First, let’s explain Flamingo Fanatics Society’s origin story, so it can all make a little bit...
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Flamingos at Miami Zoo in January 2022 - Photo by IrinaAnnarumma/ Flamingos used to be found in relatively large numbers in Florida in the 1800s, but decades of human hunting for food and fashion virtually wiped the creature out of the...
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Photo by WendyB.Cahill/ Betty, the oldest flamingo at the Smithsonian National Zoo, was found dead in her habitat on Jan. 25. She was 67. Not only was Betty the Smithsonian’s most senior flamingo, she was also the oldest Caribbean flamingo in...
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