Educational Articles

How You Can Help Conserve Flamingos
Photo by jdross75/ Climate change is upon us, and billions of lifeforms across planet earth are and will continue to be affected. Flamingos are not immune to these unstable conditions, and as a fan of the fabulous fowl, you might wonder...
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Do Flamingos Live in Hawai'i?
Tropical, teaming with life, and full of warm water. On its face, Hawai’i seems like it would be a breeding ground for flamingos, but the bird and state aren’t associated with one another in the minds of Americans like flamingos...
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When Do Flamingos Learn to Fly?
Photo by SebastienBurel/ Human babies aren’t born with the ability to walk, and flamingo chicks aren’t hatched with the ability to fly. It takes human babies a few months to first learn how to walk. How long does it take...
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Do Flamingos Migrate?
Photo by YanLev/ You probably only imagine flamingos hanging out in a warm lagoon with their fellow bird buddies, surrounded by palm trees and coconuts. But it’s common for birds to migrate during the breeding season - are flamingos one...
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