Educational Articles

Flamingo migration is real, a topic we have covered extensively on this site. Last week, we checked out flamingo migration to and within India. This week, it’s all about Cyprus, which is enjoying its annual invasion of the fabulous fowl...
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AI generated image As the calendar draws later in the year, the days get shorter, the temperatures go lower, and the birds gradually fly away. Migration is a normal ritual for most birds, flamingos included. And right about now, their...
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Flamingos of Mumbai from Thane creek - Photo by AneeshKotwal If you live in the United States, then your nearest bet for witnessing a flamingo in the flesh - excluding the zoo - is in Florida and the islands and coastal...
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Photo by SebastienBurel/ Human babies aren’t born with the ability to walk, and flamingo chicks aren’t hatched with the ability to fly. It takes human babies a few months to first learn how to walk. How long does it take...
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Photo by YanLev/ You probably only imagine flamingos hanging out in a warm lagoon with their fellow bird buddies, surrounded by palm trees and coconuts. But it’s common for birds to migrate during the breeding season - are flamingos one...
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