Educational Articles

How Many Chicks Does a Flamingo Have Per Year?
Photo by OndrejChvatal/ Unless you’re having twins, triplets, or something even more sinister, humans don’t have more than one baby per year. At least, women don’t. Is it the same for the fabulous fowl? Do flamingos also only generally have just...
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When Is Flamingo Mating Season?
Photo by Ladyshutterstock/ Spring is here, which begs the question for flamingo lovers everywhere: when is flamingo mating season? It’s now May, and that means we’re in the middle of spring. For humans, that means time to enjoy the warm weather, and for...
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How Climate Change Affects Flamingos
Photo by GianmarcoCicuzza/ Climate change impacts the entire earth, from humans to animals alike. The entire world is being affected by climate change, and it’s likely that it won’t get much better as the years go on. Flamingos are no...
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How Rain Affects Flamingo Mating
Two Flamingos in the Rain - Photo by suhendri/ Despite what you were told as a child, humans don’t have their babies delivered by storks, and flamingos are the same. I probably don’t need to explain how humans mate to you,...
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