Educational Articles
For most animals, having their legs locked into a frozen body of water is a definite death sentence. For flamingos, it might just mean a bit of boredom. Flamingos are immensely adaptable creatures capable of more than the average human...
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Photo by smutan/ What does it take for a flamingo to survive? In 2023, Hurricane Idalia sent tons of flamingos all across the eastern half of the United States, from Massachusetts to Texas. It stranded these birds in places they had...
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Flamingo migration is real, a topic we have covered extensively on this site. Last week, we checked out flamingo migration to and within India. This week, it’s all about Cyprus, which is enjoying its annual invasion of the fabulous fowl...
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Photo by kingmaphotos/ Flamingos are partnered in human minds with the color pink. But what color are flamingo legs? The bird’s feathers are notoriously pink. Well, they aren’t inherently so, but their carotenoid-packed diets tint their plumage into a shade...
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Photo by BarbElkin/ In 1979, some students at the University of Wisconsin imported more than 1,000 flamingos to Madison. They didn’t have to worry about food, water, or shelter, though - plastic flamingos are much less needy. On the first...
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