Flamingo Habitats Explained: From the Tropics to Salt Lakes

Photo by SimaPatel/Shutterstock.com
There are six flamingos species spread across the world, and they don’t all require the same sort of living situations. Aspects of flamingo life are universal, or at least close to it, but others are not. Flamingo habitats are not all the same.
Access to water is a requirement for any flamingo, but there’s plenty of variation in between. Some fabulous fowls find themselves in altitude, others at sea level; some flamingos withstand high temperatures and near-boiling water, others endure high winds and colder temperatures.
To provide a better understanding of the wide range of flamingo habitats, I’ve outlined the “constants” and the “sometimes.” These two descriptors indicate if a climate or feature of a habitat is constant throughout flamingo life or something that only some species look for in a home.
These are the variables among flamingo habitats.
Flamingo Habitats Explained
Constant: Shallow Water
Every flamingo requires shallow water.
It is critical that the water be shallow. Flamingos are filter feeders - they stand up in the water, dip their heads under the surface upside down, then use their beak to filter little tasty treats housed in the water to fuel themselves.
Deep water doesn’t do flamingos much good. They can’t stand in it, so they can’t collect the food they need. If it isn’t shallow enough, then it isn’t useful.
Constant: Lakes
Flamingos are not exclusively found on lakes, but all flamingos could live happily on a lake, assuming it met other important conditions.
Alkaline lakes are a general favorite among flamingos, though American and Chilean flamingos are not known to seek them out. Salt lakes are also a popular choice, especially among Andean and Chilean flamingos. But even if flamingos can’t all agree on which kind of lake is the best, the bottom line is that lakes are a flamingo’s friend.
Sometimes: High Altitude
This is where it starts to get weird. Flamingos in high altitude? Really?
Yes, really. Some flamingos just prefer their privacy.
Altiplano is one of the harshest regions of the Andes Mountains, hostile towards all life—except flamingoes pic.twitter.com/dtFxKgPPBw
— National Geographic (@NatGeo) September 10, 2023
Andean, James’s, and Chilean flamingos are most guilty of this lifestyle. They are all capable of thriving at upwards of 13,000 to 15,000 feet above sea level. This exclusive ability makes it difficult for potential predators to reach them, and it makes it hard for other animals to infiltrate their food sources - Andean lakes that high in the sky aren’t often brimming with competitors.
This is not how American, lesser, or greater flamingos spend their days. You won’t find any of those types of flamingos in the mountains, and if you do, know that they’re very lost and likely very confused.
Sometimes: Volcanic Lakes
This sort of habitat is usually associated with the same flamingo species that take to the high mountains: Andean, James’s, and Chilean. But American flamingos have also been found to enjoy volcanic lakes, too, though not ones so high above sea level.
These extreme conditions again make it difficult for predators or competitors for food resources to come around. Flamingos in general are capable of playing nice with other animals around them, and they are very social with one another, but in many instances, they would rather just have the water for themselves. Volcanic lakes offer such opportunities.
Sometimes: Salt Flats
Salt flats are a particular preference among lesser flamingos, which mostly live in Subsaharan Africa and some coastal regions of the Indian subcontinent. Other species of the bird have been known to enjoy salt flats, too, in places like South America where they can also be found.
And who could blame them? Super shallow water rich with food flamingos find delicious. Not much to dislike for the average pink bird. But some flamingos prefer their water to be a little less salty or a bit higher elevated, so they stick to what they know.
Sometimes: Sewage Ponds
It’s not the most glamorous, but greater flamingos don’t seem to care much about that.
A weird thing has been happening in India: pollution is bringing more flamingos. It’s counterintuitive, but it turns out that the pollutants dirtying the waters around Mumbai and Navi Mumbai that are bad for humans and other living things are excellent for the growth of algae that greater flamingos can’t stop munching. The bird’s population in the area every year, especially in migration season, has steadily risen for years with no sign of slowing down.
Other species of flamingos have not yet exploited pollution for their own gain, at least not to the human eye, and have stayed away from wallowing in that filth. But greater flamingos put on no airs - they’re here to eat.
Sometimes: Tropical
The flamingo stereotype has them living it up on a tropical beach in sunglasses and a hula skirt. You’ll be hard-pressed to find any flamingos in such attire anywhere in the world, but the tropical beach is achievable.
Not all flamingos spend their time on sandy shores, but the ones that do love it. American flamingos are located in the Caribbean, one of the most tropical regions of the world, and while they don’t exclusively hang out at coastal beaches, it’s certainly in their rotation as feeding, breeding, and living grounds.
Some greater flamingos enjoy beaches, especially in and around India, but those aren’t really of the tropical variety. American flamingos are really the species of the bird that keeps it tropical, and given that it’s the species closest in proximity to the United States - and the only species that lives in the United States outside of captivity - it speaks to reason that their natural habitat has become the stereotype for the bird among American minds.